With the order of “Great Leader Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk”, Secondary Education Teacher School which not only was founded by the law of 789th Education and Training Organization on the date of 22 March 1926 and also provided its beginning “Gazi Education Faculty” has started to education and learning activity since 1927 and has named with “Gazi Secondary Education Teacher School and Training Institute” since 1932.
It had been started to send many students to prominent European countries on art and science thanks to government scholar since 1924 as an indication of Republic’s ideal of catching the era about science, art and education; within this framework, İsmail Hakkı Uludağ, Şinasi Barutçu, Hayrullah Örs, Mehmet Ali Akademir and Malik Aksel who were sent to Germany in 1928, in order to take part in Pedagogy Institutıon and seminar, finished their education successfully and came back to the country in 1932. These artist-educators, who had just came back from abroad, established Painting-Work department, which was the first institution that trained up art-educatinalist in Turkey in 1932, we are proud of being under the umbrella of it, and prepared the first programme of the department under the leadership of İsmail Hakkı Tonguç who was the manager of Gazi Secondary Education Teacher School and Training Institute. By the virtue of openning this department, the number of the department rose to six.
After long and planned preparation process which had paid attention to train up teacher framework, the department divided into two subbranch as “skill work lesson and painting branch” in regulation of Gazi Training Institute and education & learning was started with 22 students, two of them were girls. At secondary schools in which had 3 hours art class and 3 hours work class, respective teacher employment had been given up because of inadequate budget in that period of time. For this reason seperated programmes were reunited as “art teaching branch” for the purpose of train up the person who could do teaching of art, work, writing, and vocational art.
Gazi Secondary Education Teacher School and Training Institute, which was constructed by Mimar Kemaletin and with the order of Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, has been equipped with materials taken from Europe despite all limited conditions.
The name of “Gazi Secondary Education Teacher School and Training Institute” was changed as “Gazi Training Institute” in 1946-47 teaching year. Boarding school system was put an end and scholarship system was started in 1973. The study period of education institution was thought to be 4 years with tentative programme which consisted of associate degree and bachelor’s level in 1975, but this tentative programme was cancelled in 1975-76 teaching year. The duration was remained to 4 years(8 semester) again in 1978-79 teaching year. Educational institutions was named “higher education teacher school” in 1980. Teacher training programmes, which had been running by the ministry of education until 1982, was transmitted to higher education institution with the law of YÖK and Gazi Education Institution, leader institution of teaching and learning part in Turkey, was attributed to Gazi University by becoming a faculty.
Art- work Education Department left its historical workplaces and classrooms to presidency in 1983-83 teaching year and moved to detached building in master layout of university. And it is still there.
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